Tag Archives: Yoga

Dreaming in July

Over the past few days leading up to today i.e. 01.07.2020, I convinced myself to finally learn guitar from a tutor. The past two months have been quite a learning phase for me where I got acquainted with the basics of guitar and I am sure that, those learnings will help me get a head start.

I have a demo class tomorrow and I will mostly commence from tomorrow, I am going to have eight classes over the span of this month. I think it is an understatement to say ‘I am very excited’, I may be jumping to conclusions too soon but I want to be able to ace the exams and get certified from the Trinity School of London, although only hardcore musicians who take music as their career are able to do that but well.. I don’t see the point of doing something and not being certified for it, what does an uncertified skill really mean?! I know I don’t have to perform in concerts but for me, it is like a mental check, to have acquired a skill completely.

Apart from learning how to play Guitar, I am also going to be taking up French lessons for which, again I am too damn excited. I have gotten ahead of myself and learnt the French pronunciations of the alphabets, or now as I’d like to call it, l’alphabet, months = mois and numbers up to 1-12. You get the level of excitement, don’t you? Again, to be certified in French takes years and out of six levels, the last two are the hardest. My teacher herself has only cracked the first four and well, that is what I need for my TEF exams. Although I should mention that I am not learning French only to score marks in TEF but because as a kid, I always wanted to be multi-lingual, I dropped that dream few years back thinking I was being too unrealistic but I feel, it really isn’t. Little by little I am sure I’ll be able to do it, although one thing that does worry me is my vocabulary, I don’t think the course can teach me vocabulary and fluency. I wish I had some French friends to talk to. N’importe qui? J’ai bison de vous.

Apart from these two new skills, I am planning to incorporate some Yoga, Push Ups, Pull- Ups and substitute running to brisk walking. I have finally started to get my knees back and I am going to be ultra careful with them this time. I did Push-ups and Pull-ups very erratically in June so I have thought of doing them everyday from tomorrow on.

If I am able to do these things, I think my July will be far more productive than all previous six months combined. It will be a dream to have completed all these things, everyday for a month. Although I do think that to be even intermediate at these things, I need to do all of these things for a minimum of three months before I can judge my progress I.e. July, August & Sept ..oof I don’t think Lockdown is gonna extend till Sept. Do you? 🤔