Tag Archives: inhumane

I’m ashamed to be a human, you should be too. Here’s why.

I slept last night at a little past midnight, unable to peel myself from the captivating content on the internet, I did manage to doze off promising my future self to wake up at 5am the next day, compromise on my sleep to enjoy those wee hours. I have started enjoying early mornings lately, it’s really quiet, the world hasn’t woken up and it seems these are free hours of the day where you can do anything. Although I got up to commence my Surya Namaskar routine but I was unable to, due to my knee issue and so I sat in my balcony, catching up with some work. A little after that I checked my Instagram, a person had uploaded a picture of a boxer, called Rosie.

This is a really lean and sick boxer whose eyes seemed really huge for some reason but without any eyes, it was with something white. I thought she had no eyes in her sockets, upon reading more it turned out that Rosie’s eyes were infested with live maggots who were eating up her eyes. She further had lots of maggots eating her insides. The images were really gory to me. The doctor pulled out live maggots from her eyes and insides as much they could, lots of tests are being currently conducted on her. I don’t think there are much survival chances but I’d like her to have a better death than she would have had other wise. The girl who picked her up is an angel and deserves to be blessed.

It is weird, right? I want this girl to be heavily blessed for doing something so basic, for caring for a wounded defenceless creature. Our society has gone down so low, the human standards have gone down so damn low that a person being kind is considered a rarity.

She says that Rosie was left out on the streets to die by a breeder who made money on her pups. I can’t shake the image of wanting to tie up this breeder and let maggots feed on his genitals and the insides of his mouth, just leave snakes, maggots, leeches on him until he is on the verge of dying and then feed him enough for him to stay alive only to keep torturing him, death would be an easy way out for him.

I can’t imagine the pain Rosie must be feeling, the pain of maggots feeding on her, not being able to see, hungry, not being able to feel better or tell anyone about her pain. Left out on the streets, alone. Rosie was a puppy once, a happy puppy who loved to play and be loved. She is still very welcoming and is very warm.

Today I saw my little brother, Jabbar from a very different perspective. Until this morning I just saw him as an absolute brat but today I understood how blessed he is, to have four absolutely doting humans around him. Jabbar’s one bark gets all of us on our toes and we instantly drop everything to attend to him. I hope Rosie gets a family like ours in her next life.

I am ashamed to be a human. I feel I have let down Rosie, it is weird. All my life I have run away from these feelings because I get very upset but I don’t think I can do it anymore, even if I want to. I am a privileged human and I can’t let my privilege go to waste. There are tonnes out there like Rosie, not just dogs but plenty of other animals who need us. We don’t have to be hero’s, we don’t have to do start a new foundation, all we need is a start.

I may not know you, yes you, reading this post but I’d like to urge you to do something. Please feel free to reach out to me, any organization near you or just feed or take care of animals around you. If you feel you don’t have the means to, just let someone know who can do something about it. Don’t stay quiet.

Here are some pictures of Mr. Jabbar Tandon & Me, I don’t quite know why, but it makes feel better.

It is only after years of watching Ellen I understand why she focuses so much on being kind to one another.