Tag Archives: India

Grandma at 24?

Two days back while running I felt a funny ache in my left knee, I remember it faintly from a few times in the past decade. It is the pain I get when my left knee cap twists. I regretted running almost instantly. Yesterday being a Sunday, I thought I’d skip running since my knee isn’t very well and the last time I went to see the Orthopaedic he suggested I do VMO muscle strengthening exercise since that muscle is causing all this drama. And so I did, wearing a knee cap felt like a cute hug to my knee so I kept wearing it the entire day, I slept with the hope that I’ll wake up pain-free ready to run.

To my surprise, I have a hard time even walking today and all of this pain has made me realise that I have a weak knee and I may not be able to run, ever. I am pissed, very pissed. I am 24, this isn’t supposed to happen right now, I want to run. Running is the only thing I have been doing since I was a kid, I love challenging myself to higher speeds, longer time and a dripping wet t-shirt. The doctor has asked me to get some tests done but I am unable to do that because the situation of Coronavirus is terrible in Delhi and going to a hospital is almost like inviting COVID-19.

I have been running for almost two months now and I have a brilliant stamina and endurance, how am I supposed to just sit back? Let my stamina crash? Not run 5kms everyday? My entire day revolved around running and now I am sitting with a knee cap, looking at pictures of people running. I miss it, the feeling like my face is on fire and just being so exhausted. I miss being exhausted, exhausted to the point that I go in coma as soon as I hit the pillow. What about my June 100K Challenge now?

What if I am unable to run, ever? This is the worst, 2020 is the worst!

Confetti Bomb!

May 27, 2020.

It is a very hectic Wednesday today, ‘It is a..” because it’s only 5:46 and there’s still some of it left. On May 5, 2020 I took up the following projects:

  1. Meditation
  2. Learn the Code of Civil Procedure
  3. Run 100kms this month
  4. Catch up with my online Terrorism course, and
  5. Learn Guitar

Although I failed terribly in meditation, I completed a big chunk of CPC and even though there is still left a lot to do, I am happy with how far I have come. As far as running is concerned, I completed my 79th Km today and I have 20kms to do in the next four days. Terrorism.. well this might just be the most neglected goal. I could only do it the first few days.

Lastly but by no means the least, guitar.. well, I am not ready to be in a band yet but I can talk strings. I borrowed this guitar from a friend to see if the want to learn the guitar is a momentarily obsession or something I may actually want to learn, I think it is too soon to tell but I like it, despite crying about my fingers.

I have gained weight but reduced a little bit in size. There is no specific theme to this post. I have been meaning to put it here, the things I have been doing and it may sound weird but I am a little proud. Proud of nothing specific but just being able to commit and actually see it through. I lack self-discipline big time and this is the furthest I have come in a long, long time. I feel very content.

Oh and without having it in my list, I cooked a few new things and learnt WordPress, more about the food on the next one.

If I were as powerful as Elon Musk, I’d drop a confetti bomb on the world right now. Yas gurl!
