Tag Archives: Emotions

Error 404: Can’t Process emotions

A very well established principle in Psychology is that if one get’s to know about another person’s childhood, they can most certainly figure out why a person behaves the way that they do and I completely agree to this having observed the same pattern in a lot of people.

Now, there is also a principle that the psyche of a person can be changed gradually but the issue with most people is that they are unaware that there is a problem with them, to begin with. Unless a person acknowledges that there is something wrong with them, they can never rectify themselves.

For example, let’s picture a 50 year old male adult, this gentleman is relatively shorter compared to other Indian males in height. He hails from the mountains and came very early to the capital of our country to earn a living. On a closer interaction with this man, one will find that he gets irritated at the tiniest things, boasts a lot about himself and likes to talk in a demeaning way to his employees.

If we look at it from the lenses of Psychology, he is anxious, insecure and has an inferiority complex, the lack of awareness about the same has lead him to spend the better half of his life in a way where people dislike him. Coming to this person’s career, he is decent, he earns a good income but in comparison to his peers, one may not call him very successful in a stereotypical way.

On the personal life front, he possesses a rather shabby apartment, usually talks in a way where it seems his wife bullies him, has a kid and walks as if he is a body builder. Each characteristic of this man leaks out insecurity and lack of control over his own life.

Now, all of us, at least till my generation, have been brought up in a way where emotional intelligence and mental health aren’t talked about very often, leading us to none whatsoever idea about the same and growing up into disabled individuals.

The example I just took is a very normal guy, that a person must have encountered in their life, in one way or another but being at peace with such behaviour not only makes the interaction with such person very toxic but also makes the receiver a disabled person in the long haul. What happens is, when a person gets frustrated over the other person, the person receiving it gets filled with negativity and usually aims his/ her frustration at other people, animals or things that are submissive to them, thereby creating a vicious cycle.

An animal’s basic instinct is to scare the animal/ person before them, when they, themselves are scared. We have often heard this rule, no? If you don’t harm or scare the dog, they won’t bite and they don’t! How exactly have humans evolved if we vent out our frustration, anxiety, etc when we shout and blame the other person?

It is very normal to want to remove the feeling of being overwhelmed when someone is shouted at, or blamed or just the target of an unknown frustration of another person, by subsequently pouring the frustration at someone else, this just makes it a never ending loop and a highly toxic environment where everyone is frustrated, angry and anxious. How is love, happiness and creativity supposed to thrive in such an environment?

Prolonged exposure to toxic environment also leads people to certain Psychomatic disorders. Science has legit proven that a toxic environment will cause diseases in our bodies. A person could be physically fit but if the insides of their cerebrum aren’t in a good shape, they are most likely to suffer from un-diagnosed aches and pains.

In a nutshell, all of us must learn to process our emotions. People only want to be loved and respected, they do not want to harm anyone with their words, they only want to feel better about themselves, but by taking the load off their chest and throwing harsh words/ actions at someone else won’t help.