All posts by Pink Blood

Going pilot on Wordpress

Finding Purpose

Sunday. 6:58pm

Day- Cant remember of Quarantine

After ramming my brains for over 3 hours I came up with this username, Where are my endorphins’, doesn’t seem like it is a work of art, does it? I challenge you to try to figure out a decent username for WordPress. I tried almost every eerie combination of nouns, verbs until I landed on this and almost immediately regretted the same, but well most of my Sunday is gone and I do not intend on making my Sunday night worse by not having completed anything substantial today.

My purpose for this blog is to bring to life a gazillion thoughts, stories and questions that cross my mind. My friends and family have been pushing me to do something like this for quite a while and well, why not?! Although I doubt I will be able to maintain this blog once quarantine is over, but I won’t know until I do it.

In a nutshell, this is a millennial, journaling.

PS: I have no clue about WordPress and I can almost see myself in future cringing over how badly this post is edited, but there’s only so much you could, T. Its alright!